Are some of your people falling short? Welcome to the world of man-management to be fair there is no shame in this, it is 'thee' most common problem we face. Because of this, we have developed many tried and tested methods of dealing with performance that will unlock talent or resolve the issue. Whether its simple Job Descriptions, Performance reviews or the introduction of K.P.I's Ironclad will create, implement and help manage the improvements required.
Possibly thee most important task of them all is to get your recruitment right. The truth is that the talent is out there and we can find them. Whether its an Operative or a Director finding the right people for your organisation is paramount if you are to grow. By utilising our recruitment service, you can save time and resources while maximising the quality of new hires for your company.
There can be nothing more frustrating than the feeling of deflation when one or more of your team are not able to attend work, but hey these things happen and its not the end of the world. Of course we want our people to recover as quickly as possible and they all need that period of time to build up the strength to return but this process must be managed. Our support and advice will alleviate the worry and restore control. Fact: all sickness is genuine!
Whether you are contemplating Redundancies or maybe even some sort of Re-organisation IRONCLAD will take away the pain. We will empower you to arrive at the right place, with the right people at the right time. Yes, its all about change but we can handle the tricky bits for you, all you need to do is tell us where you want to get to and we will organise the rest.
Listen its not rocket science! Although some would like you to believe that, whether you are a start up finding your feet or a scale up that has lost its place, a good set of people policies and process will have you up to speed in no time! We will create, implement and develop a solid HR Foundation that will help you build a strong and sustainable platform to support your basic and advance HR requirements.
We all have them, We all need them, but in order to manage them more effectively we got to get to know them....better! IRONCLAD can with our tailored Personality Profiling service and our Engagement Survey explore the depths of both their individual and collective character and behaviours. This level of knowledge and understanding makes management of your people more effective.