There is a lot of advice on listening out there. And there are also many different versions of “levels of listening”. In all honesty, most of them are pretty basic. A lot of this boils down to having the discipline to actually pay attention and be on someone else’s agenda. When we’re at our best, most of us find it pretty easy to do this. Unfortunately, in the real world, we’re often run down, busy and thinking about other things.

  • Date:30/11/2030 08:00 PM
  • Location Online Event


To be a good listener you need to be intentional in your approach to conversation and listening. This often involves being mindful and paying attention. To think about how you can be more “in the moment”, it’s helpful to consider the 6 levels of listening. Each of these levels builds on the level before.

The higher the level of listening you bring to a conversation, the more connected and effective of a listener you will be.